Join Millionaire University's FOUNDER'S GROUP and Build Your Money Machine Today!

Join Millionaire University's FOUNDER'S GROUP and Build Your Money Machine Today!

Create the Business and Life You Love!

Get Started Today Building Your Money Machine

Create the Business and Life You Love!

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Get Started Today Building Your Money Machine

It's About Building a Successful Business
and Life You love

But did you know that 98.9% of people who want to become millionaires don't become millionaires...

Why is it that such a small group of people achieve wealth?
Are they special?
Are they smarter?
Are they better or luckier than you?

The answer is no.

They just understand things you don’t…yet.

If you…

  • Want to start a business but don't know where to begin and don't have money to get started
  • Have a business but feel stuck
  • Are working a 9-5 and don't want to build someone else's business for the rest of your life

Then keep reading.

What you don't know is that even though 7 Figure Business owners aren’t any smarter or luckier than you, they do have something you don’t…

They have 3 special abilities…

  • They know how to see opportunity everywhere
  • They know how to capitalize on that opportunity
  • They know how to mitigate risk to grow that business to support a life they love

All millionaires know that becoming a millionaire has nothing to do with luck.

And what’s crazy, is that they also know that when they can do these three things, they can start any business in any industry and within 3-5 years have a 7-figure business time and time again.

That’s how powerful these tools are.

And it's not rocket science....



You might be wondering, why doesn't everyone know this?

Because it's not taught in mainstream education and 98.9% of the world didn't grow up with Millionaire parents to teach them what school didn't.

Hence, the need for Millionaire University.

  • It's not a get rich scheme where you do nothing, and get a bunch of money.
  • There's no free lunch here.
  • But it's the way to financial freedom.

When we started our first business 20 years ago, we ended up with a bunch of debt, because we had no idea what we were doing.

We made so many mistakes.

Tara had graduated college and I just quit with one semester left and we started our first business. We had very little experience and knowledge. Honesly it was practically nonexistent.

But we had a dream and a goal.

We didn’t have anyone guiding us along, so we had to go through the wanna-be millionaire gauntlet.

It was intense and unnecessarily dangerous.

It could have been so much better, and less stressful on us and our growing family and that's what MU is all about.

It's not college...

Where you're put in a funnel and you have to be this person and take this class.

It's not a place where you are forced to jump through hoops that don't support your financial goals.

It's a place built for you, with you and your end goals in mind...

We are by NO means saying that creating a thriving business and living a life of wealth and doing what you love is easy.

BUT it isn't any harder than the alternative.

It is our belief that as more people are able to have the epiphany that we had many years ago, while having the tools, education and clear path that we didn't have when we started out, they will be able to take advantage of a different way to make money.

A different approach to life. A better way.

This is Millionaire University's
Build My Money Machine Foundational Course.

It's About Building a Successful Business
and Life You love

But Did you know that 98.9% of people who want to become millionaires don't become millionaires...

Why is it that such a small group of people achieve wealth?

Are they special?

Are they smarter?

Are they better or luckier than you?

The answer is no.

They just understand things you don’t…yet.

If you…

  • Want to start a business but don't know where to begin and don't have money to get started
  • Have a business but feel stuck
  • Are working a 9-5 and don't want to build someone else's business for the rest of your life

Then keep reading.

What you don't know is that even though 7 Figure Business owners aren’t any smarter or luckier than you, they do have something you don’t…

They have 3 special abilities…

  • They know how to see opportunity everywhere
  • They know how to capitalize on that opportunity
  • They know how to mitigate risk to grow that business to support a life they love

All millionaires know that becoming a millionaire has nothing to do with luck.

And what’s crazy, is that they also know that when they can do these three things, they can start any business in any industry and within 3-5 years have a 7-figure business time and time again.

That’s how powerful these tools are.

And it's not rocket science....



You might be wondering, why doesn't everyone know this?

Because it's not taught in mainstream education and 98.9% of the world didn't grow up with Millionaire parents to teach them what school didn't.

Hence, the need
for Millionaire University.

  • It's not a get rich scheme where you do nothing, and get a bunch of money.
  • There's no free lunch here.
  • But it's the way to financial freedom.

When we started our first business 20 years ago, we ended up with a bunch of debt, because we had no idea what we were doing.

We made so many mistakes.

Tara had graduated college and I just quit with one semester left and we started our first business. We had very little experience and knowledge. Honesly it was practically nonexistent.

But we had a dream and a goal.

We didn’t have anyone guiding us along, so we had to go through the wanna-be millionaire gauntlet.

It was intense and unnecessarily dangerous.

It could have been so much better, and less stressful on us and our growing family and that's what MU is all about.

It's not college...

Where you're put in a funnel and you have to be this person and take this class.

It's not a place where you are forced to jump through hoops that don't support your financial goals.

It's a place
built for you, 
with you and your end goals in mind...

We are by NO means saying that creating a thriving business and living a life of wealth and doing what you love is easy.

BUT it isn't any harder than the alternative.

It is our belief that as more people are able to have the epiphany that we had many years ago, while having the tools, education and clear path that we didn't have when we started out, they will be able to take advantage of a different way to make money.

A different approach to life. 
A better way.

This is
Millionaire University's 
Foundational Course
Build My Money Machine.

Elevate Your Life

We all have the same amount of time each day to do what we want with our lives.
What are you doing with yours?

A Person With a 7-Figure Mind Can Create a 7-Figure Business in Any Industry in 3-5 Years.

This Program Will Help you think and act like a 7 figure income earner so you can create the business and life of your dreams. 

The Modules:

The difference between a 7-Figure earner and everyone else are really only 3 things...

They have learned to identify opportunities, they know how to execute on those opportunities and they know how to mitigate risk to grow their businesses.

​These modules will help you identity a model that's right for you while also developing the millionaire mindset to execute on your million-dollar idea. 

The Modules:

The difference between a 7-Figure earner and everyone else are really only 3 things...

They have learned to identify opportunities, they know how to execute on those opportunities and they know how to mitigate risk to grow their businesses.

​​These modules will help you identity a model that's right for you while also developing the millionaire mindset to execute on your million-dollar idea.  

Module 1:

Why Anyone Can & Should Be A Millionaire

Financial freedom opens doors to the life you truly desire.

Module 2:

Developing Your Millionaire Mind

Think Like a Millionaire and the Rest Will Follow.

Module 3:

Choose Your Own 7-Figure Adventure

Choosing The Right Path For You Will Help You Reach Your Goals.

Module 4:

Your 7-Figure Business Idea

There are a Million Ways To Make a Million Dollars. All You Need Is One.

Module 5:

The 8 Ways to Sell Your Product or Service 

How to Market and Sell Your Product or Service.

Module 6:

Where the Rubber Hits the 7-Figure Road

Implementation is KING and Queen!

Module 7:

The 5 Points of Leverage

Nail it then scale it.

Module 8:

The Build My Money Machine Blueprint

This is the secret to success with a small business.

Module 9:

Your 1-Page 7-Figure Implementation

Now that you have your business idea, this is how you put it into action!

Module 10:

How to Create Financial Freedom and Live The Life You Love

building wealth empowers you to create the future you want.

10 Actionable Lessons

Where the Rubber Hits the 7-Figure Road...

The New Way to Build a Business and Create Wealth - You don't need an in depth business plan, Fancy Office, $$$...Don't overcomplicate it.

Learn how to identify opportunities EVERYWHERE

Reprogram your brain to think like the top 1%

Build something for you and your family

Come up with your business idea in one hour

Understand how to eliminate risk in business

Understand how ROTI (return on time invested) can help you grow to new heights

Cut through the clutter and corporate mumbo jumbo

Upgrade your Habits for Ultimate 7-figure success

Learn the Unstuck Framework to get out of any bind

Learn how to use leverage to hockey stick your business success

Learn the Build My Money Machine Model and How understanding this will help you create wealth

​You don't need a new business idea, formal business plan, Company core values, An operations manual, employees or even an office to create a 7 figure business.

It's a lot simpler than that...

You just need to understand the Build My Money Machine Model and how it applies to you.

​You don't need a new business idea, formal business plan, Company core values, An operations manual, employees or even an office to create a 7 figure business.

It's a lot simpler than that...

You just need to understand the Build My Money Machine Model and how it applies to you.

Lessons Taught By Millionaire Business Owners

“Tell me with who you spend your time with and I will tell you who you are...” -Goethe

Lessons Taught By Millionaire Business Owners

“Tell me with who you spend your time with and I will tell you who you are...” Goethe



Lessons released weekly

I was just starting my family, I had a full-time job and wanted more out of life. I found a podcast with this guy that claimed he was making 7 figures a year. I'd never met anyone making that much money and at first, I didn't believe it could be possible, but as I kept listening, I thought, “If this guy is doing it, why not me?” 

I decided to join his coaching program and it was one of the best decisions I ever made. Now I'm that guy making a 7 figure income, on my way to 8. 

Justin more than anyone I've met, helped me believe what's possible. I’m now able to do amazing things with my family and am also able to help so many others with my current business. 
​- Bill Allen

Join the MU Founders Group 

Special Price for EARLY FOUNDERS Who Join This Program...

Everyone can and should start their own business and be a millionaire...

I’m blown away by how many people in this world aren’t millionaires since it’s not that much harder than what they're doing now.

But at the same time, it makes sense when you consider how our brains work and what society teaches us.

20 years ago I dropped out of college to start a business. I refused to go to one more class to learn about rocks when I needed to focus on making money. I got Tara to quit her job too since I knew she could make way more money on her own.

Ever since then, I have continued to be amazed at how many people still follow the status quo  even though those ways of thinking are so antiquated. 

One day as we were complaining about this and how someone needed to fix it, it hit us…

What if that someone was us..? And we knew there was no turning back from that point and ultimately... 

 Millionaire University was born.

Build My Money Machine is the first of many MU courses/programs that will be created in the upcoming years.

The purpose of this course is to lay the foundational groundwork for everything else that is to come.

In the past 20 years in creating multiple 7-figure businesses of our own and helping others do the same, we’ve been able to identify what it is that holds people back from reaching their potential.

Tara and I (as well as most 7-figure income earners) could take any one of thousands of business ideas in just about any industry and use that idea to create a 7-figure business within 3-5 years.

The purpose of this program is to get you to where you can do the same thing.

Typically when someone goes to college they spend 4-12 years learning, (mostly stuff they never use) while piling up anywhere from $120,000 - $700,000 of debt.

If you add in opportunity costs, it's much more, but don't get me started.

Unlike college, the goal of MU is to help you take the right actions to grow a business, create wealth and live an abundant and fulfilling life without all of the debt. 

a.K.A. Graduate Rich, Not Broke.

Many online gurus will tell you that everything (other than what they are trying to sell you) is DEAD, and you NEED to do this ONE thing if you want to be successful.

The problem with this is while it might at first appear to be the "faster way" to making money, it often doesn’t take into account one vital part of the equation... 


Join the MU Founders Group 

Special Price for EARLY FOUNDERS Who Join This Program...

Everyone can and should start their own business and be a millionaire...

I’m blown away by how many people in this world aren’t millionaires since it’s not that much harder than what they're doing now.

But at the same time, it makes sense when you consider how our brains work and what society teaches us.

20 years ago I dropped out of college to start a business. I refused to go to one more class to learn about rocks when I needed to focus on making money. I got Tara to quit her job too since I knew she could make way more money on her own.

Ever since then, I have continued to be amazed at how many people still follow the status quo even though those ways of thinking are so antiquated.

​One day as we were complaining about this and how someone needed to fix it, it hit us…

What if that someone was us..? And we knew there was no turning back from that point and ultimately... 

 Millionaire University was born.

Build My Money Machine is the first of many MU programs that will be created in the upcoming years.

The purpose of this program is to lay the foundational groundwork for everything else that is to come.

In the past 20 years in creating multiple 7-figure businesses of our own and helping others do the same, we’ve been able to identify what it is that holds people back from reaching their potential.

Tara and I (as well as most 7-figure income earners) could take any one of thousands of business ideas in just about any industry and use that idea to create a 7-figure business within 3-5 years.

The purpose of this program is to get you to where you can do the same thing.

Typically when someone goes to college they spend 4-12 years learning, (mostly stuff they never use) while piling up anywhere from $120,000 - $700,000 of debt.

If you add in opportunity costs, it's much more, but don't get me started.

Unlike college, the goal of MU is to help you take the right actions to grow a business, create wealth and live an abundant and fulfilling life without all of the debt. 

a.K.A. Graduate Rich, Not Broke.

Many online gurus will tell you that everything (other than what they are trying to sell you) is DEAD, and you NEED to do this ONE thing if you want to be successful.

The problem with this is while it might at first appear to be the "faster way" to making money, it often doesn’t take into account one vital part of the equation... 



If you’re skeptical about what the Build My Money Machine foundation course can do for you, then let us help put any worries to rest:​

You have 90 days to put the Build My Money Machine course to the test.

If for whatever reason, you decide it's not for you, we will happily give you a refund, no questions asked.

​You can email us at

The Purpose of Build My Money Machine is 3 Fold:

  • 1. Help You Develop a 7-Figure Mind  - This will affect all aspects of YOUR life. 
  • 2. Help you be able to identify 7-figure opportunities - That fit YOU, YOUR personality and YOUR personal situation.
  • 3. Understand how you can ‘easily’ execute any number of models to create a successful business - That fits YOUR lifestyle and brings YOU fulfillment. 

Understanding these principles will help you create the right business for you, in the right way that will work over the long term.

We are in no way claiming that it doesn’t take a lot of hard work, dedication and time.

BUT what we’ve found in most cases is that building a successful business is not really that much harder than what most people are currently doing.

Most people are already putting in a lot of hard work in their day to day job. However, due to the way they currently think (mostly based on what they have been taught by society and their upbringing) and the actions they take, they aren’t getting nearly the same financial results or fulfillment they desire.

One day, as I was thinking about those who struggle in business, it hit me...

I actually think very differently and so do all my friends who have 7 figure businesses.

I actually think of business more like a money machine...

When most people think of owning a business, they think of stuffy corporate board room’s, mapping out 40 page business plans, and creating lengthy operation manuals. It all sounds too overwhelming. They feel like they need to have everything mapped out perfectly from the beginning. But most of my rich business friends don’t do any of that stuff.

We think of it more like a machine that for every dollar you put in, you get $2 or more dollars back.

That’s when it hit me to call this program Build My Money Machine. That’s the real goal.

It's like a game you get to create and play where you can actually make real money. It's the funnest game you'll ever play. 

We knew the Build My Money Machine program would be worth thousands of dollars but we didn’t want to charge that. 

​So we decided to do something really special, to allow as many people as possible to go through this course. 

So for a limited time, we are offering Build My Money Machine for

​ only $197! 

(90% off the normal price)

  • 1. Help You Develop a 7-Figure Mind  - This will affect all aspects of YOUR life. 
  • 2. Help you be able to identify 7-figure opportunities - That fit YOU, YOUR personality and YOUR personal situation.
  • 3. Understand how you can ‘easily’ execute any number of models to create a successful business - That fits YOUR lifestyle and brings YOU fulfillment. 

Understanding these principles will help you create the right business for you, in the right way that will work over the long term.

We are in no way claiming that it doesn’t take a lot of hard work, dedication and time.

BUT what we’ve found in most cases is that building a successful business is not really that much harder than what most people are currently doing.

Most people are already putting in a lot of hard work in their day to day job. However, due to the way they currently think (mostly based on what they have been taught by society and their upbringing) and the actions they take, they aren’t getting nearly the same financial results or fulfillment they desire.

One day, as I was thinking about those who struggle in business, it hit me...

I actually think very differently and so do all my friends who have 7 figure businesses.

I actually think of business more like a money machine...

When most people think of owning a business, they think of stuffy corporate board room’s, mapping out 40 page business plans, and creating lengthy operation manuals. It all sounds too overwhelming. They feel like they need to have everything mapped out perfectly from the beginning. But most of my rich business friends don’t do any of that stuff.

We think of it more like a machine that for every dollar you put in, you get $2 or more dollars back.

That’s when it hit me to call this program Build My Money Machine. That’s the real goal.

It's like a game you get to create and play where you can actually make real money. It's the funnest game you'll ever play. 

We knew the Build My Money Machine program would be worth thousands of dollars but we didn’t want to charge that. 

​So we decided to do something really special, to allow as many people as possible to go through this course.

So for a limited time, we are offering Build My Money Machine for

​ only $197! 

(90% off the normal price)

I already had my own business when I met Justin and Tara. I knew I wanted my income to grow, but more than that, I wanted time.

I wanted freedom. I wanted to hang out with my family. Learning how to focus on the things that really impacted our business was huge. The question was always, “How do I 10X this? How can I amplify this process?”

After working with Justin and Tara, we’ve ended up doubling our business every year, year over year.  And it's been amazing.

​- Tanner Larsen​

How the Course Will Work:

 Build My Money Machine includes 10 modules
​and 3 Live Group Coaching Calls

  • We will release about 1 module per week and have 3 weeks where we break from modules and have live coaching calls, which will be recorded and can be accessed at your convenience. We will also take breaks for weeks of any major holidays.
  • Our goal for this foundational course is to create the best program possible while still keeping it as affordable as possible which is why the group coaching is such a great model. We also want you to have access to something you can review and listen to as needed as you are growing your business. Reprogramming your mind can take time so you will have ongoing access to the content.
  • Next year we will begin to create other courses and programs that will be more niche-specific that will build off of the Build My Money Machine foundational course.  

How the Course Will Work:

Since we will be covering 5x more in this program than what we would typically cover and since we want it to be as inclusive as possible and want to get questions and feedback along the way, we will be creating this course over the next few months.

 The course includes 10 modules.

  • We will create/release on average about 1 module per week and have 2-3 weeks where we break from modules and have live Coaching Calls, which will be recorded and can be accessed at your convenience.
  • At the end of the day we are committed to creating the best product/program possible to help our students regardless of if it takes longer than anticipated.
  • We will also take breaks for weeks of any major holidays.
  • The first few weeks will consist of mostly modules so we can build a good foundation for everyone to work from. You will have access to us via email for any feedback and or questions you might have but the majority of the actual coaching will be done through the course/video content and via our live coaching calls (which you can submit questions for, even if you can’t attend).
  • Our goal for this first course is to create the best program possible while still keeping it as affordable as possible which is why the group coaching is such a great model. We also wanted you to have access to something which you could review and listen to as needed over time as you are growing your business. Reprogramming your mind can take time so you will have ongoing access to the content.
  • Next year we will begin to create other courses and programs that will be more niche-specific and build off of the foundations course but the intention is never for anyone to wait to start and grow their business, our hope is that you will always be working on both your personal and business growth that we are able to help in that process as much as possible overtime.

Ready To Take Your Life To The Next Level?

Is Build My Money Machine For Me?

This is For You if...

 You are a current or future business owner that wants to grow your business to 7 figures and beyond.   

 You are ready to break old belief patterns, cut through the clutter and rebuild with 7 figure belief patterns. 

 You are willing to work hard for 3-5 years doing what others won't, so you can have what others can't, for the rest of your life. 

 You want to learn more about growing a business and making more money in a few weeks than most people learn in 4-8 years of college.

 You are tired of building a dream and life for someone else and want to create something for you and your family.

 You want to create an income stream on the side.

 You want to have a business that works for you, even when you're not working.

 You want to have a bigger impact.

 You want more freedom to live the life you want on your terms!

This is NOT For You If...

 You are already making 7 figures or more.  You will still get value out of this program, but it is primarily created for new to medium size business owners with 0-5 employees that are making between $0-$999,9999 (or 1M/year).

 You are looking for a get rich scheme. This will help you overcome obstacles and reach your goals faster, but it won't replace hard work and dedication.

 You are not dedicated to your growth. You will need to develop a millionaire mind to create a 7 Figure business. 

 You are typically cynical or pessimistic. One of the goals of this program is to help you realize what's possible, but you have to be open to it. 

 You don't like making money. I mean come on, really?  

 You aren't open to new ways of thinking. We can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

 If you're a yeah butter - IE if every time someone tells you how you could change your life the next line starts with "yeah butt" and then you come up with a reason why you can't do it. 

Build Your Money Machine Today!

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Initially we were going to create 5 courses for $497 each. But we decided to add 
5 bonus modules
and roll them all into one program, to give you everything you need to create your 7 Figure Business.

  • Developing Your Millionaire Mind  (Normally $497)
  • Your 7-Figure Business Idea  (Normally $497)
  • The 8 Ways to Sell Your Product or Service  (Normally $497)
  • The 5 Points of Leverage - Nail it Then, Scale it  (Normally $497)
  • Build My Money Machine Blueprint  (Normally $497)
  • BONUS Module: Anyone Can & Should Be A Millionaire  (Normally $197)
  • BONUS Module: Choose Your Own 7-Figure Adventure  (Normally $197)
  • BONUS Module: Where the Rubber Hits the 7-Figure Road  (Normally $197)
  • BONUS Module: Your 1-Page 7-Figure Implementation Plan  (Normally $297)
  • BONUS Module: Create Financial Freedom and Live The Life You Love  (Normally $297)
  • 3 Group Coaching Calls  (Normally $997)

Total Value: $4,487
Actual Cost:

Today's Price - JUST $197!

(90% off the normal price)

Frequently asked questions

Why is the program so affordable and why is there such a high discount for founders? 

The mission of Millionaire University is to help as many people as possible become financially independent and live a life they love. The Build My Money Machine program includes everything a beginning or medium sized business owner needs to start a 7 figure business. The tools in this foundational course are so powerful, that we want to make it available to as many people as possible. 

How long is the program?

The Build My Money Machine program consists of 10 modules and 3 live coaching calls. Modules will be recorded and released weekly except for the weeks where we have live coaching calls and any major holidays. If you aren't able to attend one of the coaching calls, you can submit any questions ahead of time and we will answer them on the call. You will have full access to all modules and coaching calls to watch or listen to at your convenience.

Who is this course for?

This is for current and future business owners who want to grow their business to 7 figures and beyond.  If you are currently making 7 figures or more you will still get value out of this program but it is primarily created for new to medium size business owners with 0-5 employees that are making between $0-1M per year.

What if I can't make it to the live group Coaching calls?

We will give you the opportunity to submit your questions prior to the calls and will send you the replay of ALL THE  CALLS!  You can watch them anytime and as many times as you need. 

Will I create a 7 figure busines by the end of this course?

The purpose of this program is to reprogram your mind and give you the tools to create a 7 figure business. In most cases, building a 7 figure business takes at least 3-5 years to create, but can vary depending on the individual, time dedicated and actions you take. 

What If I Don't Like the Build My Money Machine program?

It's our intention to overdeliver on the value we provide in this course. You have 90 days to put the Build My Money Machine course to the test. If for whatever reason, you decide it's not for you, we will happily give you a refund, no questions asked.  You can email us at

What if I Have a Question About the Build My Money Machine Program?

Feel free to reach out to us at if you have any questions!

DISCLAIMER: To achieve the best outcomes, approach this training with the same dedication and focus as you would a university-level course. While you may experience remarkable results, please note that none are guaranteed. We have made every effort to accurately represent our products and their potential benefits. However, neither we nor our materials can promise specific results, and the terms "7-figure" and "Millionaire" in our product names should not be interpreted as guarantees of achieving such growth in your business. These terms refer to the education and services you will receive that will help you to create a 7-Figure mindset, which may support achieving significant results, similar to those we have experienced using the same strategies. Any testimonials reflecting results are not a promise of the same outcomes unless your business, efforts, and resources match those of the testimonial provider exactly. We aim to avoid forward-looking statements, but if any are made, they are solely our opinion on potential earnings.

Have any questions?
Contact us at

Copyright 2025 Build My Money Machine. All Rights Reserved.